3 Mistakes Brands Make With Their Product Photos

Think back to when you first started your business. Maybe you were excited about working on your own terms or selling a product that you love. How about choosing your inventory or feeling joy when you have satisfied customers? Any of that sound familiar?

Notice how I didn’t mention anything about becoming a professional photographer, content creator, lighting expert, prop stylist, Photoshop expert, graphic designer etc…

Why not? Because when it comes to planning and executing professional level photography that you can proudly use in your marketing efforts on your website, social media, and printed materials, it can really become a WHOLE JOB. 

As a business owner, whether you have a team or you’re a solo-preneur, I’m sure you’re already wearing a lot of hats to keep your business running. This brings me to the first mistake that brands make with their product photography:

DIY’ing Photos

Now, if you’re a professional photographer, who happens to own a product-based business, feel free to ignore this one. For everyone else, I just want to say I respect you so much for taking your business by the reins and knocking out something that is much needed, but this is something that should be left to the pros.

I’m not saying all of your photos need to be done by a professional, but if you’re investing in a luxury car (your business), it won’t run on unleaded gas (iPhone photography). Even though there are some photographers out here KILLING IT with iPhone photography, I wouldn’t recommend taking your own product photos if you haven’t studied and mastered the art of lighting and photo composition. 

Using Generic Vendor Photos

Do you ever feel like everyone you know has the same business idea as you? Are you constantly seeing brands pop up on your social media feed with similar product inventory, similar websites and even a similar audience as you? How can you stand out from the crowd? Use your own original product photography that incorporates your specific visual branding elements. Not only will you stand out from the crowd, but you’ll attract a new audience that appreciates the time you took to develop your brand’s aesthetic.

Not Updating Photos

Imagine wearing the same nail color, hair color, shirt color, handbag color, etc.. ALLLLL YEAR LONG. Sounds terrible, right? So why keep the same product photos all year long? Even Mother Nature changes her color palette with the seasons. If you’re launching a new business or running a seasonal promotion, new product photos are a must-have. Simply posting the same photos that you’ve already used for a brand new promotion just isn’t as exciting.

Are you ready to stop making mistakes with your product photos? If so, click here to schedule a call with me today!


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