How To Use Fresh Fruit As Props

When I found out that Industry Makeup Academy wanted to do a peach-themed photoshoot for August, I knew I had to use fresh peaches.

peach lip balm makeup

I love the texture of peaches, especially when I see them in photos. The mixture of pinks and oranges and the skin-like fuzzy texture make it a visually interesting subject to capture.

If you’re interested in using fresh fruit for your next product photo shoot, here are some tips:

  1. Shop on the day of your shoot - Time permitting, shopping on the day of your shoot ensures that you get the freshest fruit possible.

  2. Examine it closely - Be on the lookout for bumps, bruises, and other imperfections that could lead to longer editing and more challenges when styling.

  3. Use a clear acrylic sheet - If you’re using seamless paper backdrops, you don’t want fruit juices to leave a stain. Using a clear acrylic sheet gives you a barrier while maintaining the color of your backdrop.

  4. Keep a knife, cutting board, and paper towels handy - These may not be typical items that you have on hand in a studio setting, but they come in handy when dealing with fresh fruit.

  5. Be prepared to edit in post production - No fruit is perfect. Give yourself extra time to touch up any imperfections that can take away from the finished product.

Have you worked with fresh fruit in your product photoshoots? I hope this gave you some helpful tips for planning your next shoot with fruit.

Happy shooting!


Personal Project: Kira Moon Beauty


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